
The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a voluntary initiative in many countries aimed at fostering social responsibility and community engagement among young adults. Participants, often students, contribute their time and efforts towards various community development activities such as environmental conservation, literacy campaigns, healthcare initiatives, and disaster relief efforts. NSS not only serves as a platform for personal growth and skill development but also promotes a sense of civic duty and national pride, ultimately contributing to the betterment of society as a whole.

The National Service Scheme (NSS) offers numerous advantages:

  1. Community Engagement: It fosters a sense of responsibility towards society through community service activities.
  2. Leadership Development: Participants develop leadership skills by organizing and leading various initiatives.
  3. Skill Enhancement: It provides opportunities for learning new skills, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.
  4. Civic Awareness: NSS increases awareness of civic issues and encourages active citizenship.
  5. Social Integration: It promotes harmony and understanding among people from diverse backgrounds.
  6. Personal Growth: Participants experience personal growth and development through volunteering and serving others.
  7. Employability: NSS experience can enhance one’s resume and make them more attractive to employers.
  8. Health and Fitness: Engaging in physical activities during NSS promotes a healthy lifestyle.
  9. Networking: It provides opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals and build a professional network.
  10. National Pride: NSS instills a sense of pride in contributing to the nation’s development and welfare.

Bhavans Sheth RA College of Science actively promotes NSS activities and encourages all students to join the program. In the previous years, NSS students have volunteered for various community services like blood donation. cleanliness drives, tree plantation campaign, and raising awareness for traffic rules and different diseases. The college aims to harness the potential of its youth by channeling their energies into constructive activities, thus building a community of disciplined and responsible citizens of our country committed to the cause of national integrity and social harmony.

Program Officers:

  • Prof. G. P. Prajapati
  • Dr. Dharamvirsinh Parmar

 Activity by NSS: